It's SPRING! Yes, I know I'm still in Massachusetts and we're only in early April and there may still be storms and bad weather and snow. But...the magnolias are blooming and it finally was sunny today and I've decided that it's spring.
I'd had this outfit in mind, or parts of it at least, for a few days now, since I hemmed this floral dress from an unflattering mid-thigh length. I knew I needed to get up the nerve to wear it, and thought it would be an interesting contrast with black tights. Then I'd happened to have the dress next to my purple cardigan and realized they matched (yes, I know I wore the cardigan yesterday. I'm remixing!) And this morning, added the boots, necklace, and hat, after trying to accessorize it in a couple of ways. This look is a bit of a stretch for me, but it was fun to do. Though I admit I only wore the hat to and from work.
Here's the dress without the cardigan. It's got interesting puffed sleeve details, which I'm still trying to decide whether I like or not. Also, the strange face in this picture comes from me attempting to take pictures in semi-public! I was done at the lab very close to sunset and decided to try to find someplace with a bit of light (and an appropriate post on which to rest my camera) on my walk home. I'd missed the late afternoon light on this wall, but these still turned out all right. During this picture, though, there was someone walking by -- and I'm not yet used to the public-picture-taking thing! (or when I do, I usually am having someone else take my picture).
This is with the coat... a very different look when you can't see the floral print!
Floral dress: thrifted (dollar-a-pound), hemmed by me
Boots: thrifted (dollar-a-pound)
Hat: vintage, Ebay
Brooch (on hat): vintage, Ebay
Coat: thrifted (dollar-a-pound)
Black tights: Hue
Necklace: Ebay
Another quiet day at the lab. Working on the thesis writing, reading a lot about systems of dance notation, getting books from the library, working on a class project. All of my labmates and I are absolutely exhausted for no really good reason...we think it's the rain from earlier in the week? Or some disease going around that just makes everyone sleepy?
Also, did I mention it's spring? I can't wait for the weekend!
how cute! I really love the granny boots and hat with it!
aah those shoes & hat are amazing!! i also love your dress!!
That's a cute print! :)
wow, love those shoes and hat. lookin' gorgeous girl :)
Yayay! Happy, Happy April, my love! I'm absolutely adoring your boots - they make me think of the ensembles worn by women during the Victorian Ages...gorgeous!! :)
fabulous outfit! love those boots!
Enter my Hana flat iron giveaway: I just commented on how great the coat in your most recent post was, and then I saw this...where are you thrifting these things for a dollar a pound?! I'm totally jealous. I love the dress too...very pretty!
Yayay! Happy, Happy April, my love! I'm absolutely adoring your boots - they make me think of the ensembles worn by women during the Victorian Ages...gorgeous!! :)
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