I'm a bit behind on the outfit-posting; this was what I wore on 2/15 for work and a day-after-Valentine's-Day dinner out with the boyfriend. (By going the day after, we were able to use coupons we had for a great deal on a lovely dinner and didn't have to deal with crowds...)
Outfit details: Red blouse, thrifted. Black skirt, INC, thrifted. Boots, vintage via Ebay. Belt, from a thrifted dress. Earrings, handmade. Necklace, gift. Bracelet, gift (from my grandmother's jewelry box). Tights, Ann Taylor Loft.
I'd gotten these boots from Ebay a few months ago but hadn't worn them yet. For some reason, when I'd first tried them on, they were uncomfortable and too tight. I'm not sure what was different here, whether I was wearing thinner tights or if the morning workouts have reshaped my calves already, but they were actually quite comfortable and fun to wear. I've been absolutely loving the cognac-colored boot trend, and wanted to try pulling it off myself.
Hope everyone has some nice weekend plans! I, for one, am planning to catch up on sleep. It's been a long, tiring week putting together this art installation...400 vellum butterflies now assembled and suspended in the site! We just have to hook them up to boards to run the lights in them. It's really satisfying to see a project come together as I'd envisioned it, going from an idea to renderings to a reality.
In addition, we've only got a bit more than a week until we're back in the theater for opera setup/rehearsals/performances...then shows in Boston, then we take the show to Chicago for a couple of weeks! It's going to be a busy, busy next couple of months. So this weekend is about fun and relaxation! (Also, I'm planning to meet up with some other Boston bloggers at Howl at the Moon on Saturday...I've never been to a blogger meetup, so I'm not quite sure what to expect!)
You are a girl after my own heart. I am all about missing the real Valentine's Day in return for a more relaxed dinner with a deal to boot!
Speaking of boots, yours are fantastic!
The Auspicious Life
Like this top and skirt together. Very chic
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