An outfit, from a couple of days before we left for Florida:
This was Friday for work and then an evening out (dinner and hanging out afterward) with the cast of my thesis performance. It was really nice to have a fun time with them and be reminded that there were good things about this performance.
I forgot to take a closeup of these shoes...I promise I'll do that when I get back, as they are pretty fabulous. Black wedges with little studs/jewels covering the toe. I saw these at my favorite clothing-by-the-pound and was really thrilled when it turned out they actually fit me!
This trip has been very nice so far. We went on a boat ride through part of the Everglades on Tuesday. Everyone was wondering if we'd see any alligators. That question was put to rest when we stepped out of the car at the boat place and saw this in the canal ten feet away:
And another alligator! We saw six on the trip and then dozens more in the water on the side of the road driving home, after we'd learned what to look for. Remind me not to ever have my car break down in the Everglades.
And some mangroves!
I don't have the picture of me holding a baby alligator because my camera battery died right before that, but hopefully I can get a copy of the ones the boy's family had taken.
It's been nice to have a bit of time away from the lab to refresh my mind. And Florida is fun, even if not too warm! It was a bit of a struggle getting here, though; we were scheduled to fly through Charlotte on a flight leaving Boston at 9:40AM, requiring the boy and I to get up at about 6AM. Now, this was Sunday, so we'd just lost the hour of daylight make that 5AM. First thing I do is check the flight status...all well. Ten minutes later, we get a call saying the flight to Charlotte has been canceled. So we rush to the airport to see if we can get on an earlier flight, while the boy is on hold with the airlines for half an hour...eventually they get us on a flight through DC leaving at 2PM and getting into Florida at 10PM. It was then 7:30AM, and we're already at the airport. So...long time of waiting in airports and writing parts of my thesis! But we made it here safely. Perhaps I'll get a couple of outfit shots in before we leave on Saturday!
I'm so sorry we haven't given you warmer weather. It is definitely unusually cool for this late in March here!
I've always wanted to hold a baby alligator; but the big alligators can stay away - I'm scared of being eaten or something!
You look absolutely fabulous in these pictures; hope you're having a great vacation, my love!! :)
love this b/w classic combo! beautiful.
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