Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is the creation of Katy of ModlyChic, and currently takes the form of a monthly set of questions for bloggers to explore on a particular Friday. If you're interested in others' answers, Katy's linkup can be found here
1. With Fashion week just around the corner, we are all beginning to focus on the upcoming trends for fall. But what about the trends hitting stores now? What are you coveting?
Hmm, I suppose all the stores are already into spring clothing, aren't they? Spring currently feels far away from the cold rainy January we're having (if it still mostly feels like fall and not winter, spring must still be months and months from now, right?). Right, spring trends. I'm looking forward to experimenting more with bold color-blocking, get out of my one-color-plus-neutral-colors tendencies:
Bold graphical prints are also supposed to be "trendy" this spring, which is great for me because I have a handful of beautiful print dresses, including two Catherine Ogust dresses that I absolutely love (though am surprised they haven't made it on the blog, yet)!
My dresses, both thrifted at different times and different places, are like this one on Ebay:

2. How do you incorporate new trends into your wardrobe?
Generally I bring in new trends via thrift stores...realistically, there are very, very few "new trends" these days that haven't been trendy at some point in the past as well (whether in the last few years or decades ago). So it's usually possible for me to find things at the thrift stores cheaply to try out a new trend and see how it works with my personal style. Sometimes items need a little updating (the print is trendy but the long length too dated), but there's generally inspiration for a low price!
3. What trend are you seeing and not loving?
I know that pastel colors come back every spring, but I also know they're not going to be finding too much of a home in my closet. Pale colors never look as good on me as saturated shades and darker colors.
Also, crop tops/bra tops are exceedingly far away from my style. I'm not even sure where one could wear such an outfit, except to the beach or at home...
4. Do you feel the pressure to constantly update your closet with the latest trends?
Not really. As someone who follows a number of fashion/style blogs, I'm certainly much more aware of trends than I used to be. Sometimes I get drawn to styles and start becoming more aware of them when I browse the thrift store, but I don't feel like I need to.
5. Where do you find inspiration that takes the trend and makes it accessible to you and your personal taste?
Mostly from blogs, but also from people I see around the city...I love looking at what everyone wears on the subway!
I also wanted to share my fifth blazer challenge outfit...this one paired together two of my favorite pieces, the dress and the velvet blazer. This is one blazer I didn't thrift recently...I got it at Forever 21 at least 6 or 7 years ago, and have worn it fairly regularly since. Velvet is definitely one of my favorite fabrics, especially this silky-soft one!
I'll post a linkup tomorrow for anyone who wants to share a favorite blazer outfit!
yeah, not sure i like the crop top look either. it's not easy to pull off. come check out my FBFF post on the trends!
I too find it a bit strange to start thinking about spring trends and looking at all the spring clothing in the stores when the temperature outside is sub-zero. On the other hand I'm really looking forward to unpack my spring clothes and start adding some of this years' trends! I really like the color blocking trend even if I'm not quite sure how to incorporate it into my excisting wardrobe, but Iguess I could go for a dress, like the navy/coral one in your collage:) I don't care for the crop tops either, or the bold florals, neons and peplums.
I have often pondered repeating trends when I thrift! I feel like I've double-scored if I can find something "on trend," but inwardly know that it is 5 years older! I'm a fan of the big geometric prints.
I have often pondered repeating trends when I thrift! I feel like I've double-scored if I can find something "on trend," but inwardly know that it is 5 years older! I'm a fan of the big geometric prints.
I have often pondered repeating trends when I thrift! I feel like I've double-scored if I can find something "on trend," but inwardly know that it is 5 years older! I'm a fan of the big geometric prints.
Yes...always exciting to get the cheap, older version of something that looks completely "of the moment."
BTW, Terri, your comments keep getting dropped into my Disqus spam filter, and I don't know why! I have (repeatedly) added you to my whitelist, but that doesn't seem to make a if you don't see a comment of yours post immediately, it's probably Disqus being ridiculous. Sorry about that!
Thanks for stopping by, Nanne! I'm not a fan of neons either...maybe in tiny doses (like a purse or shoes), but most of the time they just seem too much.
As far as colorblocking, I'm hoping to try pairing colored skirts and colored tops, see how that works...
I love the blazer challenge. I might try that with a piece/style in my closet this week.
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